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Aralia sieboldii x10 seeds, Indoor foliage house plant.

In stock: 10 available
Product Details
Brand: Fairy Flower Seeds
Large, glossy green palmate leaves.
End Use:
Alternative botanical name: Fatsia japonica
A tropical-looking, frost-hardy evergreen Plant with large, leathery, brightly-polished leaves. Panicles of white flowers appear late in the year and much later still, in March and April, come the large clusters of jet-back berries.
Commonly used pot / conservatory plant. Glossy Green leaves.

Height: 90cm
Plant Class: grow as Perennial
Will Grow in Full Sun
Can be grown in Pots or Tubs
End Use: Indoor foliage house plant, Dot Plant, Patio Plant

Sow: at any time of the year, and covered thinly with Seed Compost and kept moist. Keep at between 15 and 20 °C. Germination usually occurs within 4 to 6 weeks although some seeds may take much longer.
Prick out when large enough to handle into 10cm pots and grow on,

Always use a good quality seed compost
Please note we pack the majority of our seeds by volume so the number of seeds indicated is only an approximation.
Seeds are packed into Glassine envelopes or zip-lock bags to keep them fresh

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Aralia sieboldii x10 seeds, Indoor foliage house plant.
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