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Spinach Giant Winter, approx 100 seeds Vegetable Seed

In stock: 7 available
Product Details
Brand: Fairy Flower Seeds
Spinach Giant Winter
Giant Winter, as its name suggests, is a winter variety with large dark green leaves of good flavour. It can be very hardy and stands for a long time when ready.

Spinach is a very tasty vegetable which can be used raw in salads, boiled or steamed. It is best eaten when picked young and as long as the leaves are picked regularly and young, they will remain tender and mild in flavour. When cooking spinach, the water left on the leaves after washing them is a sufficient amount for it to be cooked in.

Direct into growing site , sow thinly in shallow drills 2cm (3/4in) deep with 30cm (12in) between the rows.
- Main crops March to Oct direct in the ground
protect seeds from birds
Sow seeds in short rows at intervals of about 3 to 4 weeks to ensure continuous cropping.
A good source of vitamins A and C, lutein and dietary fibre.

Always use a good quality seed compost
Please note we pack the majority of our seeds by volume so the number of seeds indicated is only an approximation.
Seeds are packed into Glassine envelopes or zip-lock bags to keep them fresh

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Spinach Giant Winter, approx 100 seeds Vegetable Seed
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